Revenue flows
In Mothora, ETH/Stablecoins will be used globally as the payment currency for all tradable NFTs. These are also used as the rewards method. By using these options there won't be fear of value loss by project and holders compared to having a game token. Besides, this choice makes it easier to onboard players with on-ramps and off-ramps services.
There are two kinds of real-money sinks in the game:
Crafting/purchasing cosmetic NFTs (transferable), such as:
Character skins.
Vehicle skins.
Weapon skins.
Killing expressions.
Emote expressions.
Purchasing certain services, such as:
Defecting to an opposing DAO.
Change appearance or name.
Reset stats or skills.
Buying and decorating houses, including guild halls, where NFTs can be displayed.
Special roles for guild leaders to support enacting the strategy in war, like speaking in a dedicated battle channel that anyone can read and drawing movements in the map that players from the same side can visualize.
From all expenditures, Mothora DAO takes a service fee as revenue. A portion of the remainder derived from these activities is redistributed back to players through the DAO Reactors. Only participants with SRep will be able to access shares of these rewards. Players with high levels of SRep will derive the greatest benefit from this system.
Last updated
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